In the movie Revenge of The Fallen, both Optimus Prime and Jetfire combined to form a lethal combination against the Decepticons.

Jetfire decided to gave up his sparks and volunteer to donate his parts (after been mortally wounded by Scorponok) to Optimus Prime after realizing Optimus Prime do not have the necessary strength and fire power to defeat The Fallen.
It is said only the descendant of Prime can defeat The Fallen. I hope it will be elaborated in the next installment.

Jetfire contributes 2 weapons to Optimus Prime during the combination

The main rifle is held on Optimus right hand and was used to blast the solar harvester in the movie. The other light weapon is attached to Optimus left arm.

Jetpower Optimus Prime is just a sight to behold. With this combination, Optimus is able to fly and engaged his enemy from the sky.

In the movie, the aircraft engine also turned out to be a weapon when it was used to blast Megatron.

Twin energon knives can be engaged for close combat with his enemy

For more fire power, Optimus can hold both of his own and Jetfire's fire to inflict more damage to the Decepticons
amazing that they also incoporated it with the toys. i like the second installation of the movie was action packed!
Wah...more transformer.
Picture so small, can't even see it clearly
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