Probably one of the eye catching building in Kuching city is its administration building itself, the DBKS (South Kuching City Council) Building.
There is a beautiful boulevard in front of this building where some folks can be seen jogging here in the evening.
The flowers at the boulevard are beautiful and well maintained.
A closer look at the building's structure and architecture. I kind of impressed with the unique roof and spire design. I would be proud if I were to work in this impressive building.
Nice pictures (^_*).
that's a magnificent building. I wonder how much efforts they put in to maintain the garden.
eye catching indeed. very striking---and in blue too. is it newly constructed?
This building has been around for years now, easily more than 10 years as far as I can remember
Hi, dropping by. :)
That's a unique building and beautiful lanscape too. Never went to kuching before but would love to someday.
Eyes catching building,are there chinese characters on the building?
speaking of eyes, is your eye infection getting alright, bro?
eugene: Yes, there are Chinese characters on the building, in way of the main entrance.
By the way, my eyes are alright now. Thanks for the concern
I like that building especially the roof! Unique design!
great display of artistic ingenuity! i wonder the type of structure it is. definitely it's not greece or tropical.
hehehe when u travel to kuching ar...
You should take another building as well -- DBKU... waiting for your another post
Good job in shooting photos of nice places!
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