Yesterday, my department organized a jungle trekking activity at Awana Genting Highlands. It has been a while now since I last visited Genting Highlands and its landscape had more changes now than my last visit here.

Registration in progress. We were given sandwich, water and banana for breakfast. It is always a good idea to have banana before a strenuous activity.

We were separated into 7 teams. Before we start our trekking, we were instructed with some stretching move.

I am in team 7 (a.k.a team green). The organiser had a competition on which team can complete the task in the shortest time and this team don't look like a team which are in the contention to win it.

Anyway, the start of the journey is not that tough as we were going down the hill. Balancing plays a crucial part here.

Along the track, there are many blood sucking creatures like leech (the local call it pacat)

To counter the blood sucking creatures, they spray aerosol to the feet and shoes. I doubt the effectiveness though.

This blood stain on the socks from the other contestant who has his feet bitten by the leech. Thank God I don't encounter any leech attack.

After walking for 30 minutes, we arrived at a stream to take a break and enjoy the fresh cool water.

There are a lot of logs we need to tackle in the forest.

Some of the trees here are really ancient from the size of them

The information board which indicates the animals that can be found in this forest. One of the team actually came across a wild boar!

After 1 hour, we took another break at a stream. This was where we recharge ourselves before making the final dash to the finishing line.

Its a vertical climb from here on and it was really tiring. My thigh muscles were really tested here.

Everyone was relieved when we reached the finishing line. My team made it in 1 hour and 53 minutes. My leg almost got crammed here (maybe because I sweat too much) and I was lucky to avoid it as we approached the finishing line.

Lunch pack provided by Awana Resort. Fried rice with fried chicken and comes with apple. It tasted pretty good on an empty stomach.

Lady Luck was smiling at my team as we were the runner up for the competition. (The winner finished at a remarkable 1 hour 39 minutes). There were 2 teams which detoured from the intended path and ended up arriving late. Their unfortunate event could have elevated us to the runner up spot as they are a fitter teams.

Before we left, I ventured around to take some photos of the surrounding. Genting is no longer cold as before and I can virtually walk around in a T-shirt.

Just another look at the prize won. I can see a mug, chocolate bars and mentos in it.
how's your life in West Malaysia?
wow, interesting activity!
Excellent life experience!!
When I was "young" Genting was so cold that I had to wear a woollen cardigan the whole day through!! And stockings too if I wore a dress....Temperature must have gone up 10 degrees!
awana genting..
last time, me and my friend invaded the place to catch live bugs..
then, as we walked up, we reached a place where there got 'rumah panjang' and big play ground with a lot of dragon fly..
didn't know that trekking inside can be so fun of which if fortunate enuff, a wild boar? nice..
Kikey: I'm hanging tough for the time being here. Have to admit I prefer my lifestyle back home.
Love the price hehehe.
Nice to be out like that, even though I generally don't like competitions. Oh, except from that leech thing, I can do without that ;-)
oh wow! my type of trip here. i heard so much about genting. one travel show here featured the place.
the place looks even more hebat than the place i blogged the borneo tropical rainforest resort
So nice. Go jungle trekking in Awana. really nice place for jungle trekking. Really glad that your department have this type of activities. Nice get together.
How's work?
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