One of my friend has introduced Hoegaarden beer brand for sometime now and I finally got my hand to one of their product, the Hoegaarden Grand Cruz. It's not cheap and I got it for RM12.49 per bottle from a supermarket here.

Hoegaarden is a village in Belgium which has been known for its witbieren (white beer) since the Middle Ages.

The logo of Hoegaarden with hands holding some sort of scepters.

There is hardly any secret with this brand. It is brewed with the standard ingredients as with any other beers in the market. However, Grand Cruz has slightly higher alcohol content at 8.5%

It forms a moderate head when poured to a cup (not so visible here as I was too late to capture it). Its appearance appear to be cloudy peach colour.

I have to say I am impressed with Hoegaarden Grand Cruz. This beer don't feel bitter at all. In fact it is smooth and has a fruity flavour with delicate hints of citrus and vanilla. I bet the girls will love this beer.
Ah..more beer for you heheheh enjoy.
we must go for a drink some time. wish u were with me at the sibu rejang regatta taking pics
understood that u'll go 'high' rather fast without u knowing too
I have tried this beer recently. I agree to say that its taste nice. It costs me rm25 for 500ml.
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