Call it a twist of event and my return flight from Sibu-KL by Airasia also cost me nearly 2 hours of delay. I arrived LCCT around 0030 and I missed the last ride on KLIA Transit. I have no choice but to opt for taxi which charge 50% surcharge after midnight. To make things worse, it was a long queue outside for taxi. I heard someone waited for more than 1 hour for a taxi. I was fortunate as one of the taxi driver (not those pirated taxi) came to me out of nowhere and ask where I want to go. Hence, I arrived at my place at 0130 today. Barely have enough rest to start my day until now.
This is my second incident having to bear the long taxi queue when taking night flight. I am considering not to take a night flight to LCCT again in the future.
mmm nowaday... airline like to delay delay and make us exhausted. or they partner with taxi company to earn ur 50% money hehehe
so far, i took the air asia, there were no delays .. :) so far, so good.. but i heard from my frens having the same dilemma as u..
u know most of the pics at the Tua Pek Kong procession were available by six. u could have made it. i did think of calling u but was afred u might get caught up in the terrible traffic jam. by six all the participants n vehicles etc were already there but not reached the trance like state yet
So sorry to hear that...time to boycott MAS for other budget airlines.
Now i better keep my finger cross and pray hard, no delay for my flight from KL-Sibu-KL by AA. Anyway i am taking the earlist flight, i heard the first flight normally no delay. I will travel alone with two boys, hope no delaying.
The first flight usually on schedule. You better pray for the flights after that to be punctual
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