It was a beautiful morning and we were walking around Sri Aman looking for breakfast. We came across what looks like the hawker centre not far away from our hotel.

The hawker centre is clean and not so crowded. Basically almost all the stalls here sell more or less the same menu. The place don't open at night and usually operate from morning until afternoon.

After surveyed all the stalls, we decided to try stall No. 6 which was operated by a friendly old couple.
Bengbeng was having laksa (Rm4.50). It's not great but OK.

I on the other hand try their kolok mee (RM2.50). Still a decent noodle and obviously unable to beat Kuching Kolok Mee.
Wah....memang sedap ni heheh.
I have tried Sri aman kolo mee and i didn't quite like it. I prefer the ones in Kuching.
let me say it in tagalog... sobrang sarap! means "looks so delicious!"
Aiya....S.A. looks like a good place to retire to!!
The laksa is our 'curry mee'? Looks spicey and nice to me. The kolok mee is our hakka mee? Not sure of different names from different places. TQ
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