Sarawak 10th State Assembly election is just around the corner. I manage to made a run back home to see the poster war which had begun soon after the candidates nomination day.

In my area, it is almost a straight fight between the BN and DAP. Hence, majority of the posters and banners are pretty much centre between those two competing parties.

I would say DAP had came out the best tag line and even the cute hornbill mascot (named "Ubah") for the coming election.

I have not seen DAP erected their large "rocket" for a very long time already. I remember last see this iconic symbol when I was 12 years old. The structure was mainly made of empty fuel drums.

I have a dream for my beloved Sarawak, which is for Sarawak to become an independent country on its own right. This land had been controlled by a single tyrant for far too long at the expense of its people and had been relegated by the Federal Government of Malaysia ever since it became equal partner to form Malaysia back in 1963.
I will definitely be back during the election day to vote as a free man and I hope all the Sarawakians here will do the same and make the right choice for the sake of our future generation.
Good to hear that you back to sarawak to vote too :)
My church just prayed for your state.. may the just and fair ruler rules!
Dear Sarawak, please pave the way out. Do the right thing, do the right thing.
You as a civil servant must vote for the ruling party.Dont be a running dog.
happening time over there now!!
it is very "happening" now in Sibu ya. My mum told me everyday also got something "new".
Oh...so that is the big rocket that my mum told me.
Thanks for sharing this.
Dear urban-chinese voters out there : No matter how strong the opposition votes are, things remain the same. Because BN win all the bumi seats lah... hahaha
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