Recently I came across a new high tech cleaning compound called Cyber Clean. It costs RM28 in 140g container

Cyber Clean is a revolutionary product when it comes to cleaning action in cavities where conventional cleaning products have their limitation. The compound cleans and eliminates germs in between all cracks and crevices.

The best part is the product is 95% biodegradable and one can just tossed it to the home backyard or soil when it reaches the maximum cleaning and absorption capacity.

It has a wide range of usage from keyboard, mobile phone, mouse, home telephone and etc.

This is how it looks like then first opened. It feels like silicon gel with cool yellow mass with a refreshing lemon fragrance.

The handling might be a bit awkward for the first time as I do not have any idea on its characteristic. The compound has a bit of moisture on it and it did not have any particular shape.

To use it is rather simple. Just press (do not rub) the compound with dry hands on the surface and dirt will be trapped and germs will be killed.

I use it on keyboard, mobile phones and computer casing air vents. Its pretty easy to use. The compound must be stored back in its air tight container for future use. The colour will changed from yellow to pale green when it reaches its maximum capacity. When the colour changes to pale green, it is an indication to get a new replacement.

Cyber Clean absorbs the dirt and enclosed them. I would say it is a rather effective cleaner. Having said that, from my try out, the compound is able to absorb most of the dirt cavities but some tough cavities still remain. It is not perfect but this product will do for me due to its capabilities to remove most dirt (and kill 99.999% germs at the same time) from a difficult angle.
What a strange looking product! But I guess it's worth a try. Especially useful in cleaning keyboards and keypads! : )
Looks cool! What happen to the dirt after cleaning? Would it remains there in the product ?
The dirt is absorbed by the compound and remain inside it.
looks like one amazing product for cleaning and not bad for RM28.
omg, it is fun to use~~haha~
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