Jaz beer, the first truly Malaysian beer was introduced in 2007 but somehow its market pretty much concentrated in the West Malaysia only. I believe there are still a lot of locals who don't even heard of the brand before.

The beer price is pretty much on par with other branded beer brewed in Malaysia such as Tiger, Carlsberg and Heineken. I thought it would have been cheaper since it is a home grown brand.

The beer is brewed in Port Klang with malt, hop and carbon dioxide. The manufacturer claimed that the beer is brewed using German technology.

Even though it is brewed with German technology, the taste differ from the normal German beer I took before. It forms quite a head when poured and produce a clear golden liquid. Pretty neat in term of appearance.
The beer is smooth and well balanced by the bitterness of the hop and sweetness of the malt. I believed it is brewed to suit the Malaysian drinkers taste and liking.

Jaz beer is a refreshing beer to take and I am looking forward to have a few pint of it in the future.
just heard of it..
i hope that reaches manila soon.
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