I came across something that caught my eyes yesterday. This balloon arch in way of the Putra Bridge indicate something was going on there.

On closer inspection, it was a art carnival which took place from 23-25th April 2010. Even though I stay here now, I did not heard anything about this event.

The event was held on the Putra Bridge where 2 motor lanes had to be closed down and allocated to the booths.

I find it interesting as they use those beautiful clothes as an intermittent shed along the pathway.

This is one beautiful artwork which depicts the traditional malay home from Pahang.

Drawings were also on sale

Some other interesting works of art

Traditional clothes on sale
HI BF, good morning to u... do u remember me? Claire from http://reanaclaire.com
may I have your email? can u write to me at reanact@gmail.com
I have something interesting that you may find interest about..
wow! ill definitely buy something there as a souvenir.
i go for small items that's unique to a country.
So many interesting stuff.
Hmmm, looks like quite a nice place to go shopping for some nice art pieces or souvenirs.
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