Yesterday I received another payment cheque from Nuffnang. For the record, Nuffnang is my main source of income from this blog since Google Adsense disabled my account earlier this year. I also displaying Bidvertiser and Adbrite ads but the income from those 2 sites are really at a snail pace.

This time around, I cash out at the end of the month (June) as I been told by others that they only process it at the end of the month. Talking about efficiency, they issued the cheque on the 30th of July, in exactly 1 month as promised.

This time around I hope to cash out every 6 months since I am given more metered ad campaigns compare to the time when I first join Nuffnang in May 2008.
Cheers Nuffnang! You are the best
hey congratulation to u...remember to belanja me makan yah!
wow...congrat my friend. Why u google ads disable??
so nice..
i havent withdraw mine..
..smiles..and it will be..for sure
Have a nice week-end!oundem
Congratulation Chang Yee!
nuffnang has yet to pay off here in my place. why don't you try infolinks, pays good too :P
Nice payment from nuffnang. I never get that. I guess maybe I should shift to Nuffnang instead of Adverlets.
congrat..nuffnang really pay on time..
so fast!!!
I still need to wait...
Pls click on my ads pls...
congrats! I had nuffnang account but never tried...Maybe I should start now =)
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