Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Chinese New Year 2012

In the beginning of the year, I had been waiting for the Chinese New Year to arrive as this is the best time for me to spent some quality time with my family and friends.

As usual, firecracker is a must on this very special day and I am "armed" appropriately for the countdown.

When the clock hit midnight, it was like a war zone here in Sibu. The firework was just amazing and I would never miss it for the world.

The aftermath of the night before in way of the main entrance to my house. Hopefully, we will blessed with good luck, wealth and health in the year of the dragon.

I was literally served with hard liquor for the past 2 days. Age is catching up on me and I don't take a lot of those liquor like I used to do in my 20's.

Managed to catch up with Bengbeng on some blogging topics and just to catch up on some issues regarding my hometown. Thanks for the hospitality!

It's a great day to catch up with friends as I don't get to see them very often nowadays. This is without a doubt the best moment for me in 2012.


wenn said...

great CNY! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Bengbeng said...

Keong hee keong hee :)

Nath said...

It's been awhile, Gong Xi Fa Cai ^_^