I must admit the first beer I ever taste was Heineken when I was about 9 years old. Back then the beer tasted so bitter that I was unable to finish a can of the beer. Heineken is a Dutch brand beer with its original brewery in Amsterdam. I personally had visited the Heineken Museum in Amsterdam and it is awesome.

The five pointed star on Heineken brand is a traditional brewing symbol of quality. Back in the late 1300s, when brewing beer was regarded as something magical, many brewers hung a star above the brewing copper to ward off evil spirit that might disrupt the fermentation process.
The star represents the elements of earth, fire, water and air. The fifth element is the magic element was intended to safeguard the brews quality. The brewers who affixed the star to the product declared that the brew is free from any additives.

Heineken beer can be found rather easily in the coffee shops around my hometown (3 cans for RM12). Most of the Heineken beer in can available here are imitation or smuggled. Most drinkers here do not realize the letter imprinted (HKDNP/SDNP) on top of the beer can. HKDNP stands for Hong Kong Duty Not Paid and SDNP means Singapore Duty Not Paid.
Heineken beer for Malaysian market is brewed locally by Guinness Anchor Berhad in Petaling Jaya. Usually there is an expiry date imprinted on the bottle. Some said beer in can have a longer shelf life than the one kept in the bottle.

As usual, Heineken alcohol content is maintained at the standard 5%. A bottle of Heineken beer (325ml) cost RM6.20 here at local supermarket although I notice some shop sold it at RM6.70.

As mentioned earlier most Heineken beer in can found here are smuggled. At the base of one of the Heineken beer I got from a local coffee shop here said "Singapore Made".

Heineken also had been a proud sponsor of UEFA Champion League for the past 4 seasons

I always like my beer cold and from the bottle rather than a can. Somehow, the beer from the bottle taste nicer. Heineken distinctive flavour (a little bitter taste) could very well originated from their best kept secret, the Heineken A-Yeast. According to Heineken website, it took 8 weeks to make this bottle.
i thot it was much cheaper than what u have quoted there
review for beer? cool.. :)
It is sweet. Beer is best to drink cold.
i dont know.. no matter how, i still dont like the taste of beer.. it tastes bitter to me.. i prefer liquor to beer..haha..
Now only I know fengshui also come into play when brewing beers :P
There is a movie by the title fifth elements (air, water, fire, wood and a woman) :D
Cheers Heineken!
Beer at nine years old? And you intend to finish the whole bottle? Wow, tough boy!ha ha ha!
so cheap?? ur place really cheap then... But I heard not original alcohol not good for drinking...
anyway.. alcohol also not good for health.. but who can resist it.. hahaha
Those Heineken beer used to cost RM10 for 3 cans. Now increase to RM12 already
i prefer the fruity tsing tao taste :)
I also drank my first beer at 9. :p
i used to like heineken, in fact, i used to only drink heineken, because of perhaps, it's less bitter taste.. until i discovered budweiser... i think that's the best so far... =)
Great. I have seen that alcohol content posted to be 5.5%, 5.4%, 5.2%, and 5%. I am thinking it varies from 5 to 5.5. I loved the part about the 5 point star and the imprints. I too think budweiser is still the king of beers. However, Heineken and Negra Modelo may be the Princes.
You fuckin faggot Heinekens is for pussie you know what you need to drink you pussies you need to drink pussielager straight from the cow BITCH!!
Hi I found this cause I was drunk on Heineken and my gf was in bed damnit.
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