Thursday, June 19, 2008

Aftermath of the Foggy Morning

In mt previous post, I mentioned about one of my ship involved in a collision with a barge on a foggy morning. Well, let's see what is the damage sustained.

The ship finally able to be separated from the barge and alongside safely to Sibu port. I got the shock of my life when I saw the damage from a distance.

The hole is huge! It exposed the fore peak tank structure. This is quite a nasty "injury"

Here is the side view. The stiffeners and brackets supporting the forward stem and side shell are all gone. From the side, it looks like a mouth of a creature. We usually called it "crocodile mouth" for this type of damage.

There is another small plate at the forward stem which buckled and holed.

The ship will not be fit to sail at high sea and will commence repair by tomorrow at a shipyard nearby. I suddenly have additional assignment with this recent event.


Johnny Ong said...

dare not imagine the impact on the other vessel

Borneo Falcon said...

The impact happened at a reasonable speed, 5 knots. The other side that get knocked was a barge tugged by tugboat. The barge was not manned but also sustain some damage

Invulner said...

Oops seems like a big one!!!!!!!!!Take care dude

BublaKong said...

is this the ship which knocked down the 'tua pek kong'??? loll

i tot it was ours.

Borneo Falcon said...

Nope. The ship that hit Tua Pek Kong ia from different company. The ship had a distinctive hull colour.