Friday, September 24, 2010

Sibu Street Lanterns 2010

Although the Mid-Autumn Festival had just ended yesterday, the street lanterns in Sibu town will still be around until 26th September.

I decided to walk along the street, starting from Island Road to get a better view of the lanterns during daytime.

The hanging lanterns somehow provide intermittent shades for the motorists along the road

The highlight of the lanterns is concentrated in the town square where giant lanterns designed by public and government agencies are displayed to the public.

I estimate about more than 10, 000 lanterns are used this time around and it would be wise if they use LED light next year to light those lanterns at night as this would help to reduce the power wastage.


wenn said...

wow, so interesting!

khengsiong said...

Is there any competition to estimate the total number of lanterns?

Owen Choo said...

yes...there is such competition...

can see a lot of lanterns already damaged or dropped after the strong wind previous night..

Reanaclaire said...

Really a big celebration there..

btw, can you check your email.. thanks!

lechua said...

wow there seems to be a more festive and elaborate street deco for the full moon festival in sibu than in kl