I was homeless for about 3 weeks since arriving in my new workplace. Due to this depressing situation, I almost gave up at the time. Pack my stuffs and just go home seemed to be the best solution at the time. However, a few good Samaritans from my workplace showed up and help me settled in.
Chinese New Year this year was also rather gloomy for me as I was not eligible for any leave and I got to spent like 3-4 days at home before returning to work. The first few months here was one of the lowest point in my entire life.
The very existence of this site was also in jeopardy initially as I am not too sure at the time whether I can sustain it or not. Luckily, the site prevailed and been injected with more fresh inputs from the various places I was able to visit during my tenure here.
The most excruciating pain I have to endure the whole year would be been away from my family and wife for the most part of the year which lead me to make a commitment to fly home every month at any cost. Been away and alone kind of taught me to appreciate what I still have.
I am still blessed throughout the year as I still able to celebrate important occassions with my family and wife. This somehow kept my sanity intact.
Next year should present itself with more challenges for me as I might face with another chapter of my life. As for this site, there should be more new palces to be explored although the postings frequency might be reduced.
Thanks for reading and visiting my site all year long. Your contributions had led me to keep this site afloat.
Have a nice weekend and year ahead!
Looks like you really miss your home very much eh? Good to know you are surviving and handling it well.
Happy New Year to you and family! : )
Wishing you a blessed new year 2011! It's really a challenging year for you but I guess all these hardwork will mould you into a stronger personality. Will continue to support your blog! Take care!
Keep it up and I know you can do pretty well out there!
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