I was fortunate to be in Kota Kinabalu at the right time this week to witness the Christmas celebration along the Gaya Street. The street virtually came alive at night where the locals, foreigners and visitors throng the street.

With a brightly decorated Christmas tree standing tall in the heart of the city and Christmas carols in the background, one cannot miss but feel the joy of the Christmas celebration approaching.

As people of various walks of life embrace the festive season, they are reminded of the need for mankind, regardless of race and belief, to help to spread the message of love and peace.

The Christmas carols were held for 3 consecutive days from 14-16th December 2010 from 6-9pm. Different choir group will sing at 2 allocated stations along Gaya Street at different interval during the whole duration of the event.

What a night to be remembered. Everyone was having a good time and I am glad to be able to soak into the atmosphere
Would you mind if I publish your photos on my <a href="http://aboutsabah.com>About Sabah Website?</a> I will accredit the photos to you and provide a linkback.
I had a great time at Gaya street with my kids. But of all the things, I forgot to bring my camera.
Sorry about the previous comment. Too many typos.
Would you mind if I publish your photos on my About Sabah Website? I will accredit the photos to you and provide a linkback.
I had a great time at Gaya street with my kids. But of all the things, I forgot to bring my camera.
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